If multiple keyframes are selected, they will move together. q Hold Control key, click on the keyframes one by one to select them.Moving Keyframes To move a keyframe, do one of the following: q Click on a keyframe and drag it. Keyframes inside the rectangle will be selected when you release the mouse button. To select multiple keyframes, do one of the following: q Click on empty space and drag a rectange. q Move the current timeline position and click the button.Select Keyframes To select a single keyframe, click on it. Choose Add curve keyframe or Add linear keyframe. Q Right click on the graph line in a place where there are no existing keyframes. Its graph will be a flat, horizontal line for the duration of the clip.Add Keyframes To add a keyframe, do one of the following: q Left click on the graph line in a place where there are no existing keyframes. If a parameter has no keyframes then it is not animated. You can choose either linear or a bezier curve to interpolate the value between two keyframes. A keyframe restricts the parameter to a specified value at the time position. The curve can be controlled by keyframes. (See below.)About Animation Curve An animation curve represents how the effect parameter value (Y axis) changes in time (X axis). q Modify the animation curve by adding and changing the keyframes. To open the parameter menu, click on the button next to the parameter. q Alternatively, you can choose a pre-definded animation curve from the parameter menu. q Click the button next to the parameter you want to animate to show the animation line in the keyframe editor.